More than 20 years after its debut, Taylor Crumpton discusses the impact of "Mama's Gun," the iconic Neo-Soul record from...
"We wanted to show the treasures from our hometown," Khruangbin said of the compilation, which has a "late at night...
Lone Sound podcast host Jaimie Siegle discusses her vision for Lone Sound and why we need a new independent media outlet for...
Violinist and singer/songwriter Scarlett Deering talks about touring with the Eagles, situational songwriting, and navigating the return to live performances...
Jaimie Siegle in conversation with Alfonso Apodaca, artist and former medical illustrator who is proof that your passion can also...
Composer and keyboardist Kwinton Gray on Janet Jackson, musical theater, and his love for Disney.
Guitarist and Grammy-winning artist Mark Lettieri on the Dallas music scene, Snarky Puppy, and his own original project, Mark Lettieri...
Up-and-coming Texas rapper Lou Charle$ on growing up in Cairo, being raised on Houston rap, and making the decision to...
A lovely chat with Rhett Miller, longtime songwriter/frontman of the Old 97's and a Dallas legend.
Norman "MouseQuake" Barrett is an audio engineer and producer who is as full of wisdom and great advice as he...
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